Sončna očala Vero Tifosi so manjša od vseh drugih očal Tifosi, ki sem jih imel, vendar so zame popolna. Všeč so mi ti fototec objektivi. Spreminjajo barvo glede na svetlobo. Niso primerne za zelo močno sonce, od kategorije 0 do 4 so kategorije 2 (primerne za delno sončne razmere, ki zagotavljajo dobro zaščito pred sončnimi opeklinami). Ne morem nositi temnih odtenkov, zato so ti popolni zame. Uporabljam jih za kolesarjenje in pohodništvo in so super. Edina težava je, da se včasih parijo, vendar se hitro odrosijo. Postala so sončna očala za vse življenje, to znamko nosim od leta 2006.
The Vero Tifosi sunglasses they're smaller than all the other Tifosi glasses that I owned, but they are perfect for me. I love these fototec lenses. They change tint based on light. Not great for really bright sun, from Category 0 - 4 they are Category 2 (fine for partially sunny conditions giving a good amount of protection against sunglare). I cannot wear dark shades, so these are perfect for me. I use them for cycling and hiking and they are great. Only problem is that they do steam up at times, but they do unfog quickly. They have become the sunglasses for life, I wear this brand since 2006.